women entrepreneurs

October 9, 2011

From Struggle To Savvy Entrepreneurship: BRAC Hosts ‘Adolescent Livelihood Conference’

On September 14 BRAC Adolescent Development Programme arranged a 'Livelihood Conference' at Mohakhali BRAC center. Participants came from 70 sub-districts across the country. All teenagers, these women are newborn entrepreneurs in the beautician industry.
September 26, 2011


A huge number of media photographers piled into a seminar arranged by BRAC’s Safe Citizenship for Adolescent Girls Programme, “MEJNIN” on the September 13th, 2011. Due to the congestion caused by press personnel, it was difficult to spot the notable guests.
October 8, 2010

The MasterCard Foundation: Women Driving Change

Below is a post from Reeta Roy, President & CEO of the MasterCard Foundation. She is currently visiting BRAC's programs in Uganda along with other members of the MasterCard team. She wrote this after visiting one of BRAC's microfinance groups.