An Author’s Guide to “Leveraging Good Will”

During a collection meeting, women count money before handing it over to a BRAC credit officer in Mnazi village in Kiboriloni area of Kilimanjaro region. Tanzania.

One of summer’s must-read books for business, CSR, and nonprofit leaders is Leveraging Good Will: Strengthening Nonprofits by Engaging Businesses. Written by Alice Korngold, CEO of Korngold Consulting LLC, the book demonstrates how nonprofits and for-profit firms can create powerful synergies and transform society through meaningful alliances. As the book points out, many of the partnerships between nonprofits and businesses are too often characterized by frustration. Although businesses recognize the benefits of engaging in the community, their participation mainly consists of all-day volunteer marathons that end up being mostly for show. Many business people do not know how to become meaningfully involved with nonprofit work they value, while many nonprofits do not know how to capitalize on the talents of business people.
Leveraging Good Will shows the substantial impact that can occur when the interests of businesses and nonprofits are aligned. By using real world success stories, the book includes numerous accounts of how nonprofits can draw upon the expertise, experience, relationships, and funding of business people. Through her work, Ms. Korngold has found that the key is to match volunteer candidates based on their interests, qualifications, and the needs of nonprofit institutions. This book provides a step-by-step blueprint to help nonprofits leverage business volunteers to strengthen governance and improve organizational effectiveness.
Alice Korngold, President & CEO, Korngold Consulting LLC, consults to global corporations, professional services firms, foundations, and the boards of directors of global, national and regional nonprofits for corporate social responsibility (CSR), leadership development, and nonprofit board governance. As an expert blogger for Fast Company, she recently wrote a piece about BRAC.
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