Emily Coppel

November 9, 2017

How BRAC Microfinance recovered from the Ebola crisis

How do we build resilience during and after a crisis? A new GDI case study from BRAC offers insight into lessons learned from the West Africa Ebola outbreak of 2014-2015, highlighting what can be done to strengthen organisations responding and with the people they serve.
November 8, 2017

BRAC in Uganda’s transition to a bank and what it means for customers

BRAC in Uganda shares strategy and sustainability insights from its transition from an MFI to a bank.
June 26, 2016

Cost-benefit analyses: Still a long way to go

BRAC examines the limitations of cost-benefit analyses and how to improve research methodologies for more informed policy and investment decisions.
December 21, 2015

Does your organisation actually empower women?

“Data not only measures progress, it inspires it. What gets measured gets done. Once you start measuring problems, people are more inclined to take action to fix them because nobody wants to end up at the bottom of a list of rankings.”