
November 14, 2018

An engine of our growth

Agriculture plays a powerful role in poverty reduction, according to a study done by BRAC’s research and evaluation division. The study revealed that the agricultural sector can reduce poverty-related sufferings faster than other sectors.
July 25, 2018

Agriculture and nutrition: Exploring the links and disconnects

Bangladesh is largely an agricultural-based economy. According to the World Bank, almost half of all workers are directly employed by agriculture. The sector is credited with greatly reducing the country’s poverty rate due to rapid growth.
October 12, 2015

New research: Children as victims of natural disasters

Due to its geographical location, Bangladesh faces various types of slow and rapid onset of natural disasters. In the coming years, the country will have to bear the increasing brunt of climate change. While relief work is swiftly undertaken by many organisations, there is work to be done on the long-term social and psychological rehabilitation of the people, particularly children living in the affected regions.
February 6, 2012

Bridging Research and Organizational Practices on Continuous Innovation

Recently BRAC was invited to a meeting convened by the Stanford Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society at the Rockefeller Foundation around the question “What determines the capacity for continuous innovation in social sector organizations?”