
November 1, 2018

Resilience in the time of disaster

Disasters cost the global economy USD 520 billion and push 26 million people into poverty every year, according to World Bank estimates.
June 14, 2018

Leaving no one behind: Disability-inclusive disaster risk management

In the last decade, disasters have cost the global economy USD 520 billion and pushed 26 million people into poverty. Certain groups, such as people with disabilities, have historically been disproportionately affected by natural hazards.
January 18, 2015

Winter Relief

This winter, BRAC reached out to distribute over 100,000 blankets and warm clothes all over Bangladesh. Lives are lost every year in the country due to the cold spell that affects the poor and homeless who cannot afford warm clothing and appropriate housing. The Give Warmth This Winter campaign was launched in December 2014 with the aim to effectively ensure that warmth reaches those who are in need.
June 5, 2014

What does the environment mean to you?

This was one of the first responses when taking an informal polling of whichever BRAC staff was unlucky enough to cross my path this week. After further prompting, the response was backed up with ‘no one really knows much about the environment, or how to be environmentally friendly’.
January 13, 2014

First impressions from a new recruit

It is an inherent advantage when joining an organisation for the first time, to be able to consider its work with fresh eyes. I’ve spent the first weeks in my new role at BRAC’s disaster management and climate change programme (DMCC) absorbing a wealth of information filled with a combination of climate change warnings and interesting programme results.