
March 23, 2015

Non-hierarchial learning at SSCOPE: Expressing through the arts

To create a more fluid space in the classroom, where learning is not hierarchical, lessons on sexual and reproductive health and rights and gender (SRHRG) and psychosocial counselling are designed to be more art and activity-centric at SSCOPE schools. These schools are designed by the Institute of Educational Development of BRAC University to address the high level of dropout at secondary schools.
November 20, 2013

The emotional weapon facing Bangladeshi children

Universal discussions on violence often centre on physical abuse and physical torture, but the definition of violence has also expanded to include emotional abuse, which can lead to long-term cognitive disorders. In Bangladesh, reprimanding children – from toddlers to young adults – by beating them has long been socially acceptable. Though it is not abnormal to hear stories of guardians or teachers still beating their wards, there has been a significant decline in the number of people doing so.