Girls Not Brides – Ending a harmful practice

In the collective effort to realize the “Girl Effect”, it is necessary to ensure that adolescent girls are free to access the resources and education provided to them by their respective national governments or by the NGOs based in their communities. But regrettably in many cases, this access is constrained by the cultural practice of child marriage.

Girls Not Brides is a global partnership of organizations working to end child marriage all over the world.

Girls Not Brides’ mission is to give a voice to girls at risk of child marriage, to defend their rights to health and education, and to give them the opportunities they need to fulfill their potential. This includes supporting children who are or have been victims of child marriage, to increase awareness of the scale and impact of child marriage, and to mobilize the support and resources needed to end it. As many NGOs are confronting this issue in disparate ways, GNB believes that the most effective way to maximize the success of this movement is to come together in global partnerships with NGOs to bring a collective and comprehensive approach to tackling this issue.

At the Clinton Global Initiative this past September, BRAC formally partnered with GNB, joining its team of over 60 international NGO members. Through collaborative efforts, GNB and its members will:

1. Actively contribute to the efforts of Girls Not Brides to end child marriage worldwide, recognizing that ending child marriage requires community engagement and action and that global and national efforts should ultimately support local change;

2. Positively and constructively engage with other members, as well as governments and other relevant actors at a local, national and global level;

3. Include girls’ and young people’s voices and representation in working to end child marriage;

4. Work towards ensuring that no child marries before the age of 18, in line with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, which all but two nations have ratified;

5. Commit to transparency, accountability and good governance in our work to end child marriage

Through the collective efforts of partner organizations like BRAC, the Girls Not Brides campaign looks forward to the day when child marriage is a relic of the past.

Click here to learn more about the campaign.

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