BRAC Innovation Contest Winners Announced

The results are in! There were a lot of great ideas and feedback from all of our supporters. Congratulations to the ten innovators who have made it to the next round:

  1. Sydul Sayeed (Organic Farming)
  2. Justin Uniatowski ( Project Maya)
  3. Jannat Ferdous (Self-Defense techniques)
  4. Daniel Ng (Playgrounds)
  5. James Arinaitwe (BRAC Entrepreneurship Academies)
  6. Tonmoy Islam (BRAC Peace Corps)
  7. Rob Wheeler ( Global Ecovillage)
  8. Nadia Afrin (Global Ecovillage Network)
  9. Ahamed Naveed Hasan (Youth Radio)
  10. Masud Khan (Amadeyr Cloud)

If your project is listed above, please contact us at to learn about the next steps.

You can still see descriptions of all the innovative projects on BRAC’s Facebook page.

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