Rajib Bhowmick

July 25, 2019

Are Bangladesh’s youth ready for the 21st century?

BRAC along with BRAC Institute of Governance and Development conducted the Youth Survey with a sample size of 4,200 youth, making it nationally representative, and allowing to understand the current status of youth in Bangladesh.
July 21, 2019

BRACATHON 3.0: Where tech meets social change

BRACATHON is a platform designed to engage students and professionals of Bangladesh in solving social problems using technology. BRAC has been organising this unique competition since 2015.
March 12, 2019

Violence against women: Is physical abuse the only form?

Findings show large proportion of young people are unclear about what constitutes violence.
September 20, 2018

Managing rumours in the Rohingya camps

Some said the children would die if they were given diphtheria vaccination. Some said they would become Christians if they took the shot. Others said women are not allowed to go out with their children for vaccinations, while some feared they would be reborn as a non-Muslim if they died after being vaccinated.