Manisha Bhinge

March 22, 2013

A difficult headcount in South Sudan

The simple brick building offered a cool reprieve from midday temperatures approaching 120F (50C). Inside, amid laughter and song, I was drawn to boy’s face outside the window of this BRAC primary school in Rumbek, South Sudan, clutching the wire screen to peer inside. He along with four other children had just been asked to leave the classroom.  
July 12, 2011

Susan Davis writes on South Sudan’s independence in Huffpost World

In January, 2011, a referendum was held under the Comprehensive Peace Agreement, during which an overwhelming 99% of voters voiced preference for separation from the rest of Sudan.
December 6, 2010

Rights Awareness and Action for Women in Bangladesh

he chorus serves as a beacon as we follow a narrow, undulating path, flanked by very meager but clean huts. As it opens up into a clearing we behold a colorful tableau of brightly dressed women sitting in a circle dutifully reciting the legal dictates that gives them access to justice. This is one of BRAC's Human Rights and Legal Education (HRLE) Classes.