Lusana Anika Masrur

October 14, 2014

BRAC at the forefront of disaster risk reduction

Shukla Pal is one of many shasthya kormis (health workers) of BRAC who received organisational training to serve her community against the risks of natural disaster.  A head of the household, a mother and a grandmother, almost 60 years of age, she knows the importance of standard first aid practices required to attend casualties amongst her fellow villagers.
October 14, 2014

Why we need a grassroot mental health revolution

Whether it is the globally mourned celebrity deaths like that of Robin Williams’, or the shocking Rana Plaza tragedy occurring close to heart, recent news at both home and abroad have sparked global conversations on the importance of prioritising mental health at multiple forefronts. BRAC, a global leader in tackling poverty through social development, has been quick to jump in on the bandwagon.
April 22, 2013

Getting hot on thin ice

An organisation that has won marathons in the field of social development, BRAC has only recently begun dipping its toes in the ocean of environmental issues. Especially for a country like Bangladesh, it is impossible to isolate the ever-complicated ties that bond the contrasting elements of its human-centric and bio-centric problems. On this Earth Day, there is no other topic that seems more worthy of being highlighted, other than this one.