post-disaster interventions

October 14, 2014

BRAC at the forefront of disaster risk reduction

Shukla Pal is one of many shasthya kormis (health workers) of BRAC who received organisational training to serve her community against the risks of natural disaster.  A head of the household, a mother and a grandmother, almost 60 years of age, she knows the importance of standard first aid practices required to attend casualties amongst her fellow villagers.
December 9, 2010

“I have started to distribute goats”

Even with the relatively quiet coverage by the international press on Pakistan flood rehabilitation, the fact still remains that this is still a time of tremendous need in Pakistan. 2,000 people have died from the floods, but in the flood-affected communities the death toll could rise if the related destabilizing threats are not tackled – water-borne diseases, food insecurity, destroyed economic opportunities that need to be restored, children who lost their schools, and homelessness at the onset of winter. In short, the UN Secretary General called this situation a “slow-moving titanic.”