oral rehydration solution

August 26, 2015

Blueprints, bureaucrats, and scaling up: Lessons for education from BRAC’s fight against cholera in Bangladesh

This blog post is part of the Millions Learning project, which seeks to understand how large-scale improvements can be made in learning across various sectors and disciplines. In the following, Chabbott compares BRAC's experience scaling up an innovation in health with its work in primary education.
January 13, 2015

When the simplest of solutions can be the most effective

There is a lot of room for innovation when it comes to health. In a resource-poor country like Bangladesh, effective and low-cost preventive and basic curative interventions can save millions of lives. If they are rooted in community demand and context, they can be implemented at a great scale.
August 6, 2013

The social side of innovation

Atul Gawande, a surgeon, public health researcher at Harvard and author of The Checklist Manifesto, has been exploring why some innovations spread fast and others don’t. The author takes an in-depth look at BRAC and its usage of oral rehydration solution to combat childhood deaths from diarrhea in the 1980s.