
July 31, 2018

Creating sustainable deathtraps

Living in Dhaka is a challenge, no matter who you are. Traffic is manic, there are motorcyclists cruising the footpaths and people are forced to walk on the streets. There are no designated bus lanes and no bus stops. The roads are home to everything and everyone. Buses, cars, rickshaws, CNGs and people coexist in a situation where anything can happen at any time.
July 3, 2018

The inside out of Shohochor: Challenging Dhaka traffic the BRAC way

Our hypothesis was that if organisations encouraged car-sharing among employees, vehicles on the streets would reduce. The challenge was articulating it into something feasible for testing.
March 11, 2013

BRAC’s ultra-poor program migrates to the city

It can seem so easy. Give a slum-dweller a three-wheeled vehicle. She creates a mobile tea business. Income increases from 100 Bangladeshi taka to 400 taka per day. She leaves her backbreaking job as a brick-maker, quadruples her income, preserves her health, restores her dignity. Rinse, repeat.
August 17, 2012

Change is everywhere: rural perspectives on urbanization

“I want both my daughter and son to get a job as soon as they’re done with their studies…it may be in Rangpur, it may be in Dhaka…it doesn’t matter….but they must get a job.”